Saturday 25 August 2007

Weeding day!!!

Hello everyone!

Indeed, finally the big day arrived: Iuli's (and of course as well George's) weeding! I am just arriving from the ceremony at the church, simply a magnificent "cultural dive": an orthodox ceremony, in which the similarities with the roman catholic church one ends on the outfit of Bride and Groom. Only the inner relatives and close, close friends are invited (what an honour for us!), which creates a much more intimate atmosphere, with the setting, an always cosy orthodox church room just setting the tone.

In the end, just a different ceremony to celebrate the exactly same pure will to share two lives. Most of you know me well enough to know I’m not exactly the one who has marriage as its tops priorities (I believe it won’t come in the right time, but simply with the right person), but I must confess one thing: it is a overwhelming feeling to see a dear one taking forward exactly the step he (in this case, she) wants. Congratulations Iuli! I don’t have any doubts that here I speak as well on behalf of Isa, Noel, Nico and Emin: you will only understand the honour it is to share this moment with your loved ones when you’ll be granted such an honour in one of our weedings (no one pressuring Nico lol).

Party time now, another substantial difference from the Portuguese ceremony: we had a close church ceremony early in the afternoon, then were granted a couple of hours to rest/dress up again and at 8 pm will have the dinner party. All happening at the JW Marriot Bucharest Grand Hotel, where (can you actually believe that?) the 5 of us were invited for 2 days by the marrying couple. I’m indeed writing you today with the sound of a wonderful piano as a background… But don’t get to used to it: tomorrow we are back on the road, heading to Bulgaria.

Ciao, ciao! Have half an hour to make myself smart and have the time of my life!!!


P.S. - according to the plan, Nuno will join us tomorrow, staying with us till the 6th of September. This equals saying till Pula, Croatia.

P.S. - To meet (and specially drive) Le Deuch again was HUGE! This morning we took both the Mondeo we drove all week and him to the car wash. It’s getting repetitive, but what can I say, it is only his natural charm working: everyone working there wanted to wash him, he was spoiled like to other car. Me, Nico and Emin had quite a time just watching it.


Anonymous said...

A esta hora deves estar no hotel para continuar a celebração do casamento da Juli e George.
Uma vez mais fiquei encantada com as tuas palavras...Não há pormenor que falte.
Tudo de bom para ti e teus amigos.
Vou ser lamechas, pois sinto-me também muito feliz pelo entusiasmo e felicidade que irradias.
Um beijo mt grande da mãe

Anonymous said...

Tiago « It's getting repetitive » mas quando escrevi o último comentário não me ocorria a palavra que queria escrever ( a tua SENSIBILIDADE ). Entretanto fui à Milena e «on road» a palavra ocorreu-me.
Um bj

Tiago Moreira Alves said...

normalmen fico algo desapontado ao ler dois comentario sobre o mesmo "post" da mesma pessoa. Nao pelo comentario, claro, mas por ser menos uma pessoa a ler/comentar este blog. Mas devo confessar que neste caso nao houve desilusao nehuma. Bravo mama!

De pleno casorio vos digo que esta a ser qualquer coisa do outro mundo!!!!

TMA having the time of his life!!!

Anonymous said...

Olá Tiago!Li o teu blog de uma ponta à outra e adorei.Também acho que tens a mesma sensibilidade e "humildade"cultural do Gonçalo Cadilhe. Invejo-te por afirmares que "estás a fazer exactamente aquilo que queres no sítio que queres". Raramente me posso gabar do mesmo... Continua a aproveitar a tua road trip e a viver intensamente cada momento. Um grande beijinho da Catarina (a tua coleguinha de escalas- que coisa mais fastidiosa quando comparada com as tuas vivências).