Friday 10 August 2007

Day 1, 2 and 3: Porto - Rimini

Off we go!

With a delay of 2 hours, my legendary companion and I are ready to set sail. Our first destination will be Rimini, Italy, where we plan to arrive by Sunday evening. But before we will have to face what is expected to be the most painful part of the whole journey: cross Spain and France.

After checking the possible routes, we decided to avoid the tools till Italy. In Spain the choice seems logical, as the roads we will be travelling through will be motorways without tolls. But in France the scenario doesn't look so bright, so we will make it at try and see. As we will cross the French border already by the Mediterranean coast, it might be doable.

Time to leave. Some 2350 km and two sweet night at my 2cv separate us from Rimini.

CU all in Italy,
TMA and the "Deush"


Anonymous said...

Olá Tiago!
Espero que tudo esteja a correr bem contigo e com o teu fiel amigo 2cv.
Boa viagem e tem muito cuidado, se te sentires cansado pára.
Um beijo grande da mãe

Anonymous said...

Olá Tiago,
Boa viagem e sobretudo: diverte-te, mas de certeza que isso não vai ser dificil :-)

Unknown said...

Caro Amigo,
De novo em Aventura, pela velha Europa...
Saca umas fotos e põe no blog!
Diverte-te muito e Aparece!
Um Abraço
Tiago Ramos