Thursday 23 August 2007

Hello from Brasov

Hello everyone!

I am writing you from Brasov, a lovely town 130 km northern from Bucharest. Finally, Emin joined us this afternoon, clearly the highlight of a hard day whole spent on the road. Well, his arrival would be the highlight of even the most perfect of the days. So, Blue Team is at last all again the same country!!! No one besides the 4 of us can even grasp what a MASSIVE feeling this is!

I should apologise for the little action that has been going on around here lately. As you were told, we have been travelling through the Romanian countryside and even though staying at the best hotels in town, Internet access is still quite a luxurious thing to find… But a late night today will put us only one post behind: the one about our week in Romania. Will do my best to put it online as soon as possible.

Time to run and “squeeze” every single minute of Isa’s and Emin’s company, leaving you with the posts about our journey till Bucharest and the plan for our stay in Romania.


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